Become A Member
As a member of Milton Keynes Play Association, you'll be able to support us with an annual membership fee that helps cover some of the charity’s operational costs and support the projects we are involved in.
How To Become A Member
You can become a member when you visit our Scrapstore / Crafting Shop at Kiln Farm. We will ask you to fill in the membership application form and then you will be able to start to use our services.
What Does It Cost?
Membership is for one year and the renewal date falls on the anniversary of the date the membership was first taken out.
Individual Membership
Payment at the point of purchase only – no credit terms
Small Membership - including child minders with up to 20 pupil occupancy. Up to 2 Named people on one account are authorised to shop under this membership.
One membership per site - Payment at the point of purchase only – no credit terms
Medium Membership - Groups with up to 75 pupils occupancy or staff members. Up to 6 Named people on one account are authorised to shop under this membership.
One membership per site - Payments on account available. This membership entitles you to 1 FREE scrap give away annually
Large Membership - Groups with over 75 pupils occupancy or staff members. Up to 10 named people on one account are authorised to shop under this membership.
One membership per site -Payments on account available. This membership includes 1 FREE scrap give away annually.
Scrapstore Open Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10:00am - 4:30pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday - Monday