Mobile Scrapstore

New for 2024, our Mobile Scrapstore is here and ready to visit your setting.
Let your children choose from a variety of materials to get creative.

Explore, re-use, create!

The MKPA mobile Scrapstore is full of a range of loose part materials from our main site in Kiln Farm such as fabrics, wood, tubes, paper etc. These have all been saved from going into landfill and are ready to be re-purposed into something new!

Our aim for this project is to help children to understand the benefits of upcycling through exploring and choosing their own materials from our Mobile Scrapstore. These could then be used to enrich the curriculum by supporting a project or, to be taken home as a partner project with parents and carers.

We recognise that financial, ratio and time restrictions may prevent many staff and children from having the opportunity to visit the main Scrapstore. So, our Mobile Scrapvan allows everyone to access our materials, learn more about up-cycling, and create something wonderful from scrap.

Our experienced staff are happy to share ideas on how to re-purpose scrap or include carefully selected materials that best suit a particular project or theme. Please get in touch today to find out more, or to organise a visit to your site!

Prices start from as little as £4 per child with a Minimum of 25 children per visit.

Please note that if you are not Milton Keynes Based - further charges will apply.

Booking Request

Gift A Craft Set

We have created a number of craft and hobby packs. These guide how to complete the project and are made up of material that we have been able to repurpose from our scrapstore, along with things like pens / crayons etc to finish the creation.

These are handy packs for gifts for children or ideally prices for a “pocket money” purchase.

Through out the year the charity is working with the parish councils in some of the more deprived areas. We have been able to distribute packs to families at key points through the year but we need donations to support this initiative.

Become a member

You can become a member when you visit our Scrapstore / Crafting Shop at Kiln Farm. We will ask you to fill in the membership application form and then you will be able to start to use our services.

Become a member